Giving » Supporting Moriah

Supporting Moriah


Why Give to Moriah?

A gift to Moriah is an investment in our students, teachers and our future. 87% of our operational costs are the salaries and benefits for our faculty and staff. Dollars raised also are spent on The Allen Stern Memorial Scholarship Fund, professional development, technology, student support services and other educational needs of the school.


How to make a gift to Moriah 



Send a Check: Please make payable to The Moriah School and mail to:

The Moriah School

Development Office 

53 S. Woodland St. 

Englewood, NJ 07631


To make a pledge or let us know you are sending a check from your Donor Advised Fund email Erica Tannenbaum or call 201.567.0208 ext:393


Gifts through Stock and other Appreciated Securities: For detailed information about transferring securities to Moriah, please email Rivkie Gunsburg  or call 201.567.0208 ext: 329


Corporate Matching Gifts: Many employers offer a matching gift program for charitable giving. To increase your support of Moriah, check with your employer about matching gift opportunities to double your impact.


IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions: If you are over age 70 ½, contact your IRA administrator for instructions on making a direct transfer that will be free of federal income tax. For a sample letter please email Erica Tannenbaum 



Opportunities for Giving at Moriah


The Annual Campaign

The Annual Campaign is the cornerstone of Moriah's Development Program and plays a critical role in helping Moriah maintain its high level of academic excellence. Gifts from parents, grandparents, friends, faculty, staff and alumni are all used to supplement tuition, which does not fully cover the cost of a Moriah education.


Grandparent Giving Circle

Join the growing list of Moriah grandparents generously supporting Moriah in honor of their grandchildren.


Major Gifts and Endowment Fund

Dedication Opportunities are available to name classrooms and other educational spaces. Endowment gifts contribute to the long term stability of The Moriah School.


Parnass HaYom

Dedicate a day of learning at Moriah through our Parnass HaYom Program. This meaningful sponsorship opportunity allows you to dedicate a day of learning at school in someone’s memory, in honor of a simcha or milestone or in the z'chut of a refuah shleima, the merit of a recovery of a loved one.


  • Dedications will be shared in our weekly emails, displayed prominently on the digital signage board in the main lobby, and announced daily during morning tefillah.

Suggested Sponsorship Levels:

  • Parnass HaYom for a day - $180
  • Parnass HaShavua for a week - $613
  • Parnass HaChodesh for a month - $1800


For further information about philanthropic opportunities, please contact Erica Tannenbaum at 201-567-0208 ext. 393 or by emailing [email protected]